BlogPost 301

2 min readAug 28, 2020


Interview Questions

  1. How do you organize your code? What are some suggestions you find on the web?
    I follow the flow of my webpage as they appear on the page.
    Write comments to what piece of the DOM the code corresponds to (if any).
    Organize the javascript files by folder based on their functionality (forms, classes, data, etc.)
    Choose appropriate and clear file names, similar to declaring proper variable & function names.
    Suggestions found online:
    Encapsulate everything within one directory
    Separate raw data from derived data and other data summaries
    Separate the data from the code.
    Use relative paths (never absolute paths).
    Choose file names carefully.
    Avoid using “final” in a file name.
    Write ReadMe files
  2. Can you describe your workflow when you create a web page or web app?
    1) Figuring out main topic/purpose of the page.
    2) Is there a creative commons template exists for this topic?
    3) If it exists then customize it, test it, decide if it fits project or not. If it does not exist then sketch a basic design, improve it, decide if it fits project or not.
    4) Review project in every aspect, search and fix bugs, improve things
    5) Decide if final project seems fine. If its not good enough, go back to step 4
    6) Publish and ask some of your friends to test and review page. If there is bugs or nice suggestions, go, back to step 4.
    7) Advertise it
  3. You can’t work out how to solve a coding problem, where do you find the answer? Why? How do you know?
    Stack Overflow.
    Other coders
  4. What problems have you solved that didn’t involve you coding? Created workflows for warehouse work.
    Created an inventory system in Excel using Vlookup and creating a “database” of parts, qty per box, reference number, for auto calculations (without coding)
    Established 5S type rules for my house.
  5. Talk about your preferred development environment. (What IDE or text editor you enjoy, and why?)
    I use GitBash.
    I can run node tests and javascript files. As well as commit & push my repositories to gitHub.
    Also it’s the first one I used and I guess I’m stuck in my own ways.
  6. How are you keeping up with the latest developments in web development?
    I watch content creators on YouTube that immediately guides & reviews on new things that have come out already or will possibly be implemented in the future.
    I also read various articles across the internet.

