Blog 307

2 min readOct 12, 2020



  1. Tell me about a project you’re particularly proud of. What did you do that worked out well?
    I enjoyed making the Pokemon API battle simulator. It was a lot of fun gathering the information, comparing their stats for combat. Then in the HTML making a battle arena and added the photos.
  2. How do you do testing, and what do you think about it? How would you improve QA?
    Plan the testing and QA processes Test processes should be well planned, defined, and documented. Good documentation is the tool that builds efficient communication within the software team. So, effective planning entails the creation of the quality and test plans for a project.
  3. What tools do you use to find a performance bug?
    Performance Testing tool — To check if the application is able to cope up with excessive traffic incoming. Example — Apache JMeter Cross Browser Testing tool — Helps you in finding bugs of a website across a variety of thousands of browsers running on real OS and different devices. Example — LambdaTest — You can also find bugs in RWD (Responsive Web Design) with their automated screenshots. VAPT tools- Vulnerability Assessment & Penetration Testing tools — To help you identify the soft spots in your website’s security. Example — Wireshark, NMAP etc. Bug Tracking Tools — Jira, Asana, Microsoft VSTS helps you to maintain a neat and clean library of all the bugs you found so you could collaborate and organize better with your teammates. Note that LambdaTest provides integrations to these 3 and many other bug tracking platform.
  4. What is the preferred method of resolving unhandled exceptions in Node.js?
    Unhandled exceptions in Node.js can be caught at the Process level by attaching a handler for uncaughtException event.
  5. How does Node.js support multi-processor platforms, and does it fully utilize all processor resources?
    Node. js runs single threaded programming, which is very memory efficient, but to take advantage of computers multi-core systems, the Cluster module allows you to easily create child processes that each runs on their own single thread, to handle the load.
  6. What is typically the first argument passed to a Node.js callback handler?
    Traditionally, the first parameter of the callback is the error value. If the function hits an error, then they typically call the callback with the first parameter being an Error object. If it cleanly exits, then they will call the callback with the first parameter being null and the rest being the return value(s).

